Will, Trust, and Estate Planning (old)

Use Wills And Trusts To Protect Your Family’s Future

Wills and trusts are two of the best tools that you can use to preserve your wealth and pass it to the next generation. Many individuals mistakenly believe that these are for only the very wealthy. On the contrary, people from all walks of life can benefit from the creation of a legally sound will or trust.

At the [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], we understand this firsthand. With more than 40 years of experience, we have helped hundreds of clients with various estate planning needs. Together, we can use tools like wills and trusts to protect the future of your loved ones.

We have a history of satisfied clients. Just read our testimonials.

Do I Really Need A Will?

Every adult over the age of 18 should have a last will and testament. Why? Because a will serves many essential purposes, including:

  • Identifying your beneficiaries
  • Stating which assets go to whom
  • Designating a guardian for your minor children in case of your death
  • Preventing your estate from going through probate

Even if you are young and healthy, do not procrastinate making a will. Contact [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], and we can get you started.

What To Know About Trusts

A trust is a financial arrangement in which one person, the grantor, places assets into a trust fund. A trustee manages these assets on behalf of the beneficiary. There are several types of trusts to choose from, all of which have unique benefits.

  • Revocable trusts allow you to move assets in and out of the trust and change its terms during your lifetime.
  • Irrevocable trusts are permanent, and no one can alter them after their creation.
  • Special need trusts allow people who have disabilities to keep their government benefits while still receiving assets.
  • Charitable trusts enable you to donate money to charity without the government taxing it.

These are only a few of the many varieties of trusts. Our attorney can help select the trusts that best suit you and your family’s needs. We are also here if you need legal counsel for trust administration or litigation.

Get Started Creating A Will Or Trust

If you live in the Boynton Beach area of Florida, contact the [nap_names id=”FIRM-NAME-1″], to learn more about how you can draft a will or establish a trust. Call our office at [nap_phone id=”LOCAL-REGULAR-NUMBER-1″] or send us an email to schedule an initial consultation.