A lot of small business owners like to keep things informal. Instead of wearing a business suit to work, they might be more likely to show up in jeans. They likely spend a lot of time working alongside their employees rather than staying inside their private office...
Things small business owners should consider when estate planning
Running your business takes a lot of consideration and careful decision-making on a daily basis. It’s no different when it comes to designing your estate plan, and how the small business you worked so hard to build up will fit into it. Here are a few options for you...
5 Common Small Business Errors
Starting your own business requires creativity, tenacity, and plenty of hard work. Taking the right steps early on can – and will – pay off down the road when your business finally takes off. In the same vein, taking shortcuts now could be seriously detrimental to...
Creating a Contract – 4 Things You Need to Know
Running a business is stressful enough without the added headache of writing a contract that, in the event of a lawsuit, will hold up in court. A business contract is a common legal transaction – and the key to creating rock-solid business agreements. However, without...
5 Business Laws For Employment You Need To Know
Employment law is all about your company’s compliance with the laws that govern how you manage your employees. State and federal business laws stipulate that employees have basic rights that include the right to privacy, the right against discrimination, the right...
Business Law Advice: How You Can Avoid the Cost of a Software Licensing Audit
If your business purchases licenses to use any type of software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Windows (or an array of others), then you may find that software audits are an extremely troublesome part of your business law issues. At the Law Offices of Peter M....
Types of Business Liens
One of the realities about owning a business is that you will probably have to take out a loan at some point, whether it’s to expand your company or to keep operations running until you turn a profit. You may also owe a contractor for work done on your business...
Business Check List for 2018
With a New Year right around the corner, now is the time to give your business a complete checkup. During this checkup you are going to take an honest look at the heath of your business now, and determine what you can do in the coming months to help move toward the...
What To Know About Starting a Business and a Partnership
When you are starting a business, there are several different kinds of structures you can choose to maximize your profit potential. One of those structures is known as a partnership, in which you go into business with another person or a group of people who share the...
How To Prove Breach of Contract Under Business Law
Breach of contract is one of the most common types of legal action handled under business law litigation. And while the violation of a contract may seem fairly straightforward, there are some complexities involved that can make this type of claim difficult to prove....