5 Business Laws For Employment You Need To Know

by | Feb 6, 2018 | Business Law

Employment law is all about your company’s compliance with the laws that govern how you manage your employees. State and federal business laws stipulate that employees have basic rights that include the right to privacy, the right against discrimination, the right against wrongful termination, and the right to feel safe at the workplace.

Let’s take a look at five essential business laws for employment that you must comply with to stay out of the crosshairs of state and federal officials.

Business Law Related To Your Employees

If you’re running a small business, you need to be aware of these five regulations that apply to the relationship between you and your employees, including:

  • Compliance With Civil Rights Act of 1964 – If you have 15 or more employees, you must abide by the 1964 law that bars you from discriminating against any prospective employee based on color, race, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Compliance With Fair Labor Standards Act – You must abide by this act, which regulates how many hours per day your employees can work, and mandatory break periods during an eight-hour workday. The act also requires you to pay overtime to your employees when applicable.
  • Compliance With Americans With Disabilities Act – You can’t discriminate against any employee with a qualified disability, which means a physical or psychological impairment that restricts a person from performing daily activities.
  • Compliance With Age Discrimination– If you have 20 or more employees, you can’t favor younger employees over older employees, with ‘older’ defined as employees 40 years or older.
  • Compliance With Family and Medical Leave Act – Your employees are permitted by law to take a three-month leave of absence for medical purposes, which includes the birth of a child. To qualify for this leave, your employees must have worked at least one year and 1,250 work hours prior to taking the leave.

These are five of the key business laws related to your employees that you must comply with, but there are other laws involving safety at your workplace that are also important.

Any business that fails to comply with state and federal laws related to employees can face stiff penalties and a loss of reputation in its industry, which can affect profitability. If you’re a business owner, it’s vital that you ensure compliance with all employment laws.

Business Law Is Complicated But Essential

If you own a business, compliance with all the laws and regulations related to employees and safety is essential to the success of your company. And the problem is that laws related to small businesses change all the time, which means that without the help of an experienced business law attorney, you may not even know that your company is not in compliance.

The Law Offices of Peter M. Feaman, PA, has been one of Florida’s elite business lawyers for more than three decades, and is distinguished by its aggressive representation and personal attention to its clients. If you want to ensure that your business is compliant with all state and federal regulations, and you also need a trusted advisor for other issue such as business litigation, please call us today at 561-469-0019 to schedule a consultation.

Additional Reading

Business Check List for 2018

How To Prove Breach of Contract Under Business Law


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