5 Reasons Why You Need a Business Litigation Attorney

by | Dec 22, 2015 | Business Litigation

There are many reasons why you need a business litigation attorney for your Florida business. Whether you have a large or small business, chances are you will need the services of a Florida business litigation attorney at some point.

Here are five reasons why you may need a business litigation attorney to help you with your operation:

1. Local, State, and/or Federal Regulations. . . Your Florida business must be organized somehow—whether it be a sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or an S-corp. You will need to comply with state regulations regarding the formation of your company, and likely need to obtain the necessary permits in order to purchase or build your facility.A business litigation attorney can help you deal with the state and federal requirements of your organization. An attorney will help you file all necessary paperwork with the Florida Secretary of State, and they can help you if problems arise.

Additionally, a business litigation attorney will help you navigate the maze of planning and zoning rules and regulations regarding your facilities—and any resulting problems that may arise.

2. Labor and Employment Issues . . . Chances are your business has some employees and/or independent contractors. There are many rules and regulations you must adhere to in the realm of labor and employment, which can include:

  • workers’ compensation insurance
  • unemployment insurance
  • contracts and agreements
  • benefits issues
  • fair wages
  • wrongful termination

For all of these issues, a business litigation attorney will help you protect the interests of your business.

3. Commercial Landlord-Tenant Agreements and Disputes . . . If you own space and rent it to residential and/or commercial tenants, you will need to comply with landlord-tenant laws. Also, your business itself may rent space from a commercial landlord. A business litigation attorney will help you negotiate a lease for space (for you or one of your commercial tenants) and will help you with any disputes that arise out of said lease.

4. Tax Issues . . . Personal income taxes are difficult enough, nevermind business taxes. It may be very difficult for you to understand exactly what taxes your business owes to the state of Florida and to the IRS. A business litigation lawyer will help you determine what records to keep and help you deal with any tax-related issues that may arise.

5. Intellectual Property Issues . . . Your business may develop and create a service or product that is unique to your company. Your business may own—or should own—patents, trademarks, and/or copyrights.A business litigation lawyer will be able to help you not only obtain these federal protections, but will also help you enforce these protections if another person or entity tries to steal or infringe upon your hard-earned intellectual property.

Call a Knowledgeable Business Litigation Lawyer

These are just a few examples of why you you should have a business litigation attorney to help with the myriad of issues that you may potentially face as a business owner. An experienced and knowledgeable business litigation attorney will help to make sure that you are making the best possible decisions for your company, and that you are adhering to any and all laws and regulations.

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