When you’ve built up a successful business and want to pass it on to someone else, there are some important factors to consider. The process of selling a business can be relatively complex. It has to involve many important elements in the handover process that help...
LLC or Corporation: Which is a Better Business Ownership Model in Florida?
Are you starting a business in Florida, but are not yet sure about what kind of structure to use? One of the things you can do to make a decision is to compare business entities in the state to determine which works best for you. Limited liability companies (LLC) and...
Why Entrepreneurs are Flocking to Florida
When you think of Florida, you may tend to think of the perfect holiday destination, with its sunny weather, pristine beaches, and awesome entertainment options. Now the Sunshine State is also becoming a popular destination for entrepreneurs looking to start their...
How to Issue Equity to Employees in a Startup?
The majority of startups will reward early hires with the company for taking a risk and joining the team by providing them with equity. After all, startups are difficult and come with a myriad of expensive, difficult and mundane issues that you need to be aware of to...
Pros, Cons, and Things to Keep in Mind for Independent Contractors
If a person works as an independent contractor, it means they contract with entities or individuals to provide services in exchange for some type of compensation. Most independent contractors don’t work exclusively or regularly for a single company, and they are not...
Legal Tips for New Entrepreneurs
If you have always dreamed of owning a business and finally decided to take the plunge, you need to be informed and aware of any and everything that may get in your way. While this may seem a bit overwhelming, you can take it one step at a time. A good place to start...
Are Verbal Business Agreements Legally Binding in Florida?
This is an all too common question that business attorneys receive in the state of Florida. The short answer to this question is, yes, verbal agreements can be legally binding. However, for this to be true, all of the elements of the contract have to be in place, and...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Noncompete Agreements
The three most valuable assets of any business include the employees, customer relationships, and trade secrets. A noncompete agreement can be an effective way to protect these assets. When the right circumstances are present, and when drafted and implemented...
The Difference between an Independent Contractor and Employee
The difference between an independent contractor and employee may seem insignificant and subtle, but the fact is, it can have serious legal and tax consequences for your business. As a result, it is crucial that you get to know the difference in these two things. It...
Why are Buy-Sell Agreements so Important?
An important, yet often overlooked situation by business partners is the possibility of a co-owner eventually separating from the business. This may be voluntary or involuntary; however, it is a situation that must be considered. The Need for the Buy-Sell Agreement In...