There are those obvious violations you cannot miss and then there are times your staff may violate HIPAA without ever realizing it. While some violations are easily rectified, there are other times your staff and yourself could make a serious HIPAA violation that...
5 Things to Consider When Hiring a Company Bookkeeper
Hiring the wrong bookkeeper could lead to serious legal trouble. From being accused of fraud to having an employee who skims from your company accounts, the bookkeeper you hire could determine a lot for your business. You can avoid hiring the wrong person by...
5 Things to Remember when Hiring Temps for the Holidays
Temp workers are often brought on board to help with the extra work around the holidays especially in retail and other seasonal businesses. They are a great way to fill a void in your staffing and increase resources for the peak season, without too much hiring or the...
Can You Challenge a Power of Attorney?
A power of attorney is a very powerful document. It gives a third party the ability to control any assets or decisions as if they were the individual themselves. Depending on what the power of attorney states, the agent could be in charge of an individual’s finances,...
Who is Involved in Probate Litigation in Florida?
In the state of Florida, probate litigation is often referred to as a Florida Will Contest. Probate litigation can only occur when the will’s owner has died—contests cannot be brought to the courts beforehand. Probate litigation can occur for numerous reasons,...
Outsourcing Your Work? Tips for Avoiding Contract Disputes
Outsourcing contracts help establish relationships between your business, supplier, and customers. But, even the most thorough outsourcing contract is full of legalese and confusing verbiage, which is why they are one of the more easily disputed business contracts....
Real Estate Contract Disputes: Real Estate Sales & Remedies
Real estate disputes come in various forms, ranging from landlord and tenant disputes from commercial leases, disputes related to zoning and other regulatory compliance, disputes related to title, easements, covenants, etc., and, breach of contract disputes related to...
Commercial Fraud in Florida
Fraud, generally, is any sort of deception or misrepresentation that is intentional and used for some sort of gain. Commercial fraud in Florida occurs within the corporate setting and can be more specifically described as any deceptive practice or violation of law...
Business Owners and Unavoidable Business Disputes
Business disputes come in all forms, shapes and sizes. When entering or starting a new business venture there are numerous considerations that take place, such as the structure and management of the business, the location of the business, or other strategic concerns....
Commercial Lease Disputes and Other Commercial Real Estate Matters
Common Commercial Real Estate Matters The market for commercial real estate in Florida has been a dynamic one over the years. Commercial real estate covers any property used to generate revenue through rental income from office, retail, industrial, service, and hotel...